Junior High | Gospel Project

We have loved going through the Bible with our kiddo’s and are excited to start again on this journey from beginning to end!  Come January, we will begin in Genesis and go from there, teaching through scripture week by week in our Sunday School environment.


A change we will make to this spring has to do with spiritual disciplines. As many of you know, the emphasis for us in the Junior High Ministry is to help our students begin to own their faith for themselves and practice holy habits (spiritual disciplines). Because of this, we have decided to insert a devotional challenge for the 6th-8th graders this semester. 


Each month, your students will take home a packet with a month’s worth of devotions. There will be three devotions each week (wanted to make this something that was sustainable for the students to do throughout the entire semester). We will email the monthly devotions out as well so that you have extras in case they get lost. The devotions will track along with our Sunday lessons and our hope is for this to be a tool you can use to challenge your child and discuss with your child about how they are doing spiritually throughout the week.


Drew Henderson & Morgan Weece

Junior High Ministers

  • Challenge 1

    Each week, your student will bring their devotions to Sunday school showing that they completed them and that you, as their parent, has signed off that they have completed them as well.


    When your student brings back his/her three weekly devos, they will receive a small reward/prize.

  • Challenge 2

    An extra challenge will be a monthly memory verse. Each 4th Sunday, your student has the opportunity to share the monthly memory verse with either Morgan or Drew before or after first service. We will keep track of who recited the verse and the following Sunday there will be a reward for those who memorized the monthly verse. This reward will be slightly larger than a weekly reward…for instance: those who memorized the verse may receive a fun breakfast at Sunday school the following week etc.

  • Challenge 3

    And then, lastly, at the end of the semester (May), we will see who has completed the entire semester of devotions, forming a semester of the holy habit of spending time with Jesus throughout the week. The students who have completed this larger task will be rewarded with the largest prize: a trip to the city to do something on a grander scale (Main Event, White Water – something like that).

  • What is the gospel project?

    All of our ministries use the Gospel Project Curriculum on Sunday mornings. This curriculum walks through the entire narrative of the Bible in three years. Our goal with the Gospel project is to help our kids and students understand the big picture of scripture and see how all of the different stories fit into it! Check out our parent emails, and Facebook updates to see how you can connect with what your kids are learning! Check out www.gospelproject.com