Adult Classes & Studies


Church Builders

Room 14 | 9:45am | Larry ZirkleBill Stone (50+)

Church History

Room 16 | 9:45am | Ryan Vincent

One in the Spirit

Room 15  | 9:45am | Terry Carpenter

Life 101

Room 18  | 9:45am | Paul Weece

Managing Anxiety

Room 17 | 11:15am | Starts March 2nd | Register

An 8-week group study designed to give you language and tools to help you notice and name anxiety (also known as stress or reactivity) in you and others so you can be more connected, aware, and present. This video-based series is led by pastor and author Steve Cuss. The cost is $20 for the workbook that has session notes, discussion questions, and things to practice in between sessions.


Tuesday Morning Bible Study

9:30AM - 11:30AM | The Hub

"Covenant" | A 10-week study | Starts January 21st

Join us in this opportunity to learn how to study and deepen your understanding of God's Word

through weekly homework lessons and engaging class discussions. Jim's theological perspective in the

second hour ties it all together, providing practical applications for living as faithful followers of Christ. 

Childcare Available | RSVP to Nancy at



Adult Bible Study | 10:00 am

1st and 3rd Wednesdays

Room 34 | Jim Johnson

Wednesday Night Church

6:30-7:30pm | January - April

Adult Study | Sanctuary | Revelation

Sunnybrook Kids (0-5th Grade) | Kids Building

Sensory areas available
Sunnybrook Students | Gym

Junior High | 6th-8th Grade

High School | 9th-12th Grade
*$1 Snack Bar Opens at 6pm*


The Table | Study for College Students | 7:30 pm

Sunnybrook Gym | Drew Moss and Rachel Madden


Women's Bible Study | Spring Topic: Ephesians

Starts February 3rd

To sign up, Click HERE