AFTER HIGHPoint thoughts


We wanted to let you know that we had a great time with your student this weekend at HighPoint! Between free time, zip lining, EATING, and having a great time in general, we spent lots of dedicated time in worship and in God’s word! The theme of the weekend was “God Is In Charge” as we looked at all the ways that God’s authority changes the way we live. Below is a highlight of each of the main sessions and some follow up questions that you can ask your child to help them apply what they learned over the weekend! We appreciate your partnership as we raise the next generation of disciples!

Friday Night Theme: 

Because God is in charge and created us, he gets to define how we live in relationship to Him and others. 

Key verse(s): Genesis 1:27 - “So God created man in his own image; he created him in the image of God; he created them male and female.” 

Parent Discussion Questions based on Friday evening to ask your child:

-Where do you struggle with Jesus “defining” (or having authority) in your life?

-What authorities has Jesus put in your life and how can you respond to them in a better way? 

Saturday Morning Theme: 

Because God is in charge and created us, we are created male and female.  

Key Verse(s): Genesis 1:27

Key Point: God created us male and female, equal in value, yet with distinct responsibilities. 

Parent Discussion Questions based on Saturday morning to ask your child:

-As your son about the “weight bar / deadlift illustration.” If you have a daughter, ask them about the “mirror” illustration and what that meant. 

-What does it mean to be a man or woman? What false ideas might culture tell us about what it means to be a man or woman?

Saturday Night Theme: 

Because God is in charge and created us, we show grace. 

Key Verse(s): Colossians 3:13 - “Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.”

Parent Discussion Questions based on Saturday night to ask your child:

-Have you ever been wronged or sinned against?

-If we know Jesus, how do we deal with those who have sinned against us? 

-How is that different than the way the world deals with those who sin against us? 

Sunday Morning Theme: 

Because God is in charge and created us, we live differently than the rest of the world. 

Key Verse(s): Ephesians 4:29; James 3; Ephesians 4:17-5:21

Parent Discussion Questions based on Sunday Morning to ask your child:

-What signs are there in your life that show Jesus is your boss? 

-When Jesus is your boss, how is your speech different? Feelings different? Actions different? 

junior high retreat | October 18-20 | 6th-8th Grade

At High Point this year we will be using our time to reflect on our Sunday School series - looking at the characteristics of God (He is a Creator, He is Holy, He is Slow to Anger, etc.). We will use our time together to reiterate the importance of who God is, and because of that, what it means for us as we follow Him! We are excited for a fun weekend of teaching, fellowship, games, zipline, s’mores, and more!

Be sure to check out Sky Ranch, Cave Springs!

Student | $125   -   Adult Sponsor | $75

$20 Deposit | Due October 1st

Final Payment & Forms | Due October 13th


Pay Balance

Required Forms:

2024 Sunnybrook Student Release

Sky Ranch Waiver