Parents, we will be having 2 MS Chaos service project nights in June (10th & 24th) 6:30-9pm. At MS Chaos, we break up into teams and do service projects in our community in the name of Jesus! The projects typically involve mowing, pulling weeds, cleaning, etc. homes of the elderly, single mom’s, and widows in our community and church. While serving we also take the time to pray with the people whom we are serving. Students will wear work clothes for the evening and need to bring water. At MS Chaos this year, we will have 5 service teams. To put your child on a project team, sign up below.
*Right now we are limiting each team to 8 students and 2 adults. This is a general rule that will be flexible and possibly fluctuate (bigger groups), depending on rules and social distancing protocols. If your child wants to be on a team with a friend, we encourage you to sign them up with a friend. We will send out locations to parents by the Tuesday before MS Chaos. So as to avoid large group gatherings, parents will bring students to the the work project at 6:30 p.m. and pick them up to take them to Josh’s Sno-Cones to meet the rest of the group at the end of the evening. If our group is too large for gathering protocols, we will stagger our arrival at Josh’s.
Parents are welcome to car pool with other families to bring/pick up kids.
To attend, students need to fill out a Sunnybrook Liability / Release form. Throughout the night we will encourage the students to keep safe social distance from everyone and to take necessary precautions.